Jajjj… az előbb szakadt az eső és annyira jó föld,eső,fű,tavasz,nyár illat volt…. :))
Legszivesebben kiálltam volna ide a park közepébe…. csak úgy…
Jó lett volna…
Megmég el is felejtettem azt a fantasztikusságot ami történt…. Pedig meg kell örökítenem…
Még december közepe táján G. talált egy honlapot, ahol leírták, hogy 2007. augusztusában fellőnek egy Főnix nevű űrszondát(?), ami üzenetet visz a Földről a MARSra egy DVD-n. Erre a DVD-re neveket is írtak és lehetett jelentkezni az egész világról, ha fel akartál rá kerülni. No hát jelentkeztünk. Kaptunk is róla szépséges certificatét… 🙂
Szombaton fellőtték és küldték az alábbi emilt.
Szóval a nevem útban van a MARS felé… 🙂
Sose lehet tudni mire lesz ez majd még jó… :))
——- Íme az e-mail.———-
Dear Fellow Mars Explorer, Phoenix launched today — we are on our way to Mars! Do you know who’s going to the Red Planet along with you? In addition to your name and more than a quarter million of your fellow inhabitants of Earth, the Phoenix DVD carries Visions of Mars: The First Martian Library. Traveling with you on the disk is a treasure trove of literature and art: from science fiction classics from Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, and Kim Stanley Robinson; to literary classics by Voltaire and Jonathan Swift; to Orson Welles‘ radio retelling of “The War of the Worlds”; to a special audio recording of Carl Sagan delivering a message to the future Martians. “Attention Astronauts: Take This With You.” When the first human explorers set foot on Mars and discover our disk, mounted to the deck of the Phoenix spacecraft, they will see a special note “Attention Astronauts: Take This With You.” When they decode the data on the disk and unlock its secrets, they will receive a wealth of information about how Mars was seen by 20th and 21st century Earth. This disk is a very special message to the future from Earth, created by the members of The Planetary Society. Together, our presence will be known in the universe, as we write another chapter in the great story of space exploration. We will land near Mars north pole in May 2008. We hope you continue the journey of exploration with us. Sincerely, Bruce Betts
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Names were collected and the mini-DVD provided by The Planetary Society, the world’s largest space interest group, with members in over 125 countries. Engineering support was provided by Visionary Products, Inc., and discs and data writing were donated by Plasmon OMS. The Phoenix Mission is led by Principal Investigator Peter H. Smith of the University of Arizona, with project management at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and development partnership with Lockheed Martin Space Systems. International contributions for Phoenix are provided by the Canadian Space Agency, the University of Neuchatel (Switzerland), the University of Copenhagen, and the Max Planck Institute in Germany. |